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Live Demo Time

This week have finished editing our final demo video and put it on our website. We have also done many shooting days in Milab to make sure we have presentable and professional pictures of our product and all of the interaction it has.

After that, it was time to practice our final product presentation a week before it actually happens.

For that, we had an event at Milab where many people from the industry came to here our product pitch and give us notes.We are really happy with what we've been told, many of the mentors were really excited by what we showed, gave us some notes about what subject in our pitch we should elaborate on and define better. It was a great glimpse for what the final event of the year is going to be like and we had a lot of fun gathering the confidence with each time each of us spoke to the mentors.

Next week is our final week. it is time for us to do final touches on our product and make sure we know our pitches well.

See you next week for our final blog.


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