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A Trip To A Greenhouse And More User Testing

Updated: Apr 26

This week we have started by finally taking a trip and get ourselves a real plant for our user testing. We have done a couple of user testing this week and in the week prior. We tested if people understood the function and need of touching the soil of the plant to get any feedback from the plant, if they understand the meaning of the colors reflected by the device, if they would want a button to press on, if the lights should reflect on a button\the name tag\line in the button\top of the device.

We have reached some conclusions: Most people understood the meaning of the colors (red for bad state and green for good), although we were surprised to see some didn't understand it so we are looking for other options- Most people didn't understand right away that they need to touch the plant to get the feedback on the plants' state - this is a very important note that we are taking in consideration moving forward- From an aesthetic design point of view - most people liked the design that have the line on the bottom of the vase that will reflect lights and not the name tag to reflect the lights in the device. Up next - more user testing and more brainstorming for solutions.


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