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User Testing, Conclusions and Prototype Design Drafts

After last week's testing, we have narrowed down our number of icons. We reached the conclusion that the icon that most people understood best was the watering one, that shows an action. We realized that we can narrow down the interaction to that icon mainly - we will use the lighting in different colors that show the plant's state on that one icon. With the icon that shows to touch the soil - the icon itself was not enough for people to understand what to do - so we decided to eliminate that icon that is also basically for one time use - after people understand the touch-based indication of the plants' state there is no need for it anymore.

This week we worked more with Aviad, who helps us at Milab with the design of the product and the tech in it. We talked about the size of the product, the tech that measures the moister of the soil, where the icon and the name tag will be positioned. We have also done more user testing to narrow out interaction even more., and after deciding on those, we will be able to really nail our design more. Important to mention that because we decided to use one icon only, we realized we wanted to enhance the experience of the product more and to strengthen the interactions we already have. For that, we have tested the use of sound - a positive sound to the green light on the icon and a negative sound on the red light on the icon. Most people we have tested with the sound showed that they did understand the interactions better and that it added extra connection to the plant. Next - we want to really understand what we need; in the tech realm, for the use of sound in our product.


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