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User Testing - Icons, Colors and Touch

This week we have prepared all that is needed for our user testing. We tested the tech that is needed for our main interaction - when people touch the plant, specifically in the soil - a light turns on. After that, we really wanted to explore different kinds of icons to see what people understand the most. The kind of icons we were testing for the action of touching the plant, for when the plant needs water and for when the plant is in good state and does not need more water. We have also continued to test for understanding of the colors - green for good, red for bad and flashy red for critical state. We also tested how people reacted and felt to the name tag and most of the response and understanding of that part was really positive.

Our main issue stayed the same - the most hard icon for people to understand was the icon that shows that they need to touch the plant' so we played with showing an icon and even in some test add a text that said "touch the soil" in Hebrew and in English. We saw that the text did help with that understanding, but, most important of all - when people were told or figured out one time that they need to touch to plant in order to get a feedback on the plants' state, the rest of the test went very easily, it took only the first time for them to understand the basis of the product but to get to that stage take a bit of figuring out to do, and that is what we are going to focused on during the rest of our user testing.


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