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Our First Week's Journey: Exploring Transparency in the World of IoT

Updated: Jan 6

This first week we finally got to meet the members of our group - Or, Shayana, Fernando, Dana, and Gal, and we are very much excited to work together 😊

We started by learning about the value of transparency, which will be the core value of our product. As we started brainstorming to find our domain, we had a lot of different ideas such as transparency of feelings, ADHD, negative thoughts, and more. We had a hard time choosing one subject that interests us the most, but we finally did it! Our subject is transparency in plants. We as humans have no way to fully understand the world of plants and nature that we live in, we can't just ask the plant "Are you ok?". Our goal will be to help our users understand the processes the plants go through better, and we are excited to start digging in (no pun intended).

For that, we interviewd 6 people that currently take care of plants:

  • Maya, 26, Started a short time ago but already passed the initial difficulties of taking care of plants.

  • Lev, 40, His wife has large experience taking care of plants and is involved in communities and following influencers.

  • Shelly, 50, taking care of her home plants for years with great passion.

  • Tal anan, 26 years old, likes to grow plants in her apartment (hobby).

  • Oria, 61, taking care of home plants for more than 30 years. 

  • Moshe, 45, has been working in a plant nursery for over 15 years and also grows plants at home in his garden.

And those where the problems we found:

  • Technical maintenance: This involves providing adequate watering, light exposure, and space for plants, according to the plants needs. For example, determining the precise amount of water needed by plants can be challenging, leading to the risk of overwatering or under-watering them. Some people forget to water their plants completely which results in their plants to dry and die. → How might we help people remember when\how much to water their plants?

  • Nurturing for inexperienced plant owners - Taking care of your plants is not an easy job, and sometimes you can have a tough time taking care of your first plant, it can make you stop trying. → How might we help people feel more connected to their plants so they can feel more satisfied from seeing them grow? → How might we help a newbie learn how to take care of his first plant without giving up when it gets hard?

  • Physical Problems - Some individuals encounter difficulties in reaching their plants to ensure proper care due to physical limitations or disabilities. Despite their passion for gardening, these limitations hinder their ability to tend to their plants effectively (e.g., back problems and disability). → How might we make taking care of plants accessible for people?

With that we are ready and motivated to the next week and with the further exploration that is coming next. 🥳


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