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Our Interviews Findings

Updated: Apr 11

This week we were tasked to finally present our finding so far. For preparation, we made a template in class to go even more in-depth to the challenges we have found during our interviews (apologies in advanced for any spelling errors in the template).

With this, we have started to feel more precise with our work, and as you can see below, decided to celebrate (very fittingly) in nature.

Have you ever heard about tree huggers? If not, you can finally see one in the wild bellow.

After this lovely photo was taken, we have started to properly look for the base of our seminar - lots and lots of searching for academic journals and article to rely on in our work, and let me tell you, the words "plant killer" haven't shown us much results, but we have found so much interesting information about how plants can reduce stress and depression symptoms and how it can help with other mental health problems as well. We have just started looking for these materials and we are happy to continue finding more important information for our project. We are all excited (and a little nervous, not gonna lie) about our presentation on Sunday next week! See you then!


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