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The Ideation Stage Has Began!

Updated: Apr 11

We are getting into business now! We have reached the stage where we can finally put all of the ideas and associations we have for our project. We have started to make a post-it-note bored in class where we wrote every idea we have in mind for our product, with no filters just in order to expand our mind and view. It's a very new and exciting stage in our journey. To sum

it all up, we created a scenario with some of our main interactions we will like to implement, such as use of light and movement in respose to the user, change of colors acording to the lights in the room, giving the plant a name tag and more.

As you can see, we are not having fun at all ;)

After visualizing all our ideas we have divided it to two sections-"possible" and "surprising".From there, we went on making a timeline of the user, all the way from feeling frustrated that they can't keep their plant alive and until they buy a new plant with our device and the HCI is


For the rest of the week, we keep on doing more research for our paper based on out product in MILAB. This new stage is really what we were waןting for and it really feels like the most active and promising stage yet.


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