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Semester B - How Might We, Value Proposition And Moodboards

Updated: Apr 26

We are back from our mid semester break ready to continue our project journey. During the break, we have mapped out a little better our interaction and made an updated scenario. We are really excited being back and to continue working.

During our first lesson back, we managed to do a new "how might we", decide on our values and write a value proposition and to make our scenario even more accurate.

We need to really make sure that our interactions are known to the users and not only to us, so that is our first main step from here. We know that a lot of things are going to change and we are excited to see what comes next. We have also started making mood boards for our product design. It is very interesting and maybe a bit scary to see how every one of our team members are thinking about the product design in different ways. The next step on that is to merge it all in a functional way and for us to be happy with the result.

One of our team members took the design into more of a tech inspired theme (very fitting), another took it to the direction of classic design of vases and insparation for possible materials that were used in the past in MILAB

Another took it to the place of exploring more of the 3D printing world, to really see what are our possibilities

And of course, let's not forger to see what is modern today in the world of different vases and home decor


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